Friday 8 September 2023

Radio Show Learning Reflection

 Radio Show Learning Reflection

Recently at school we have been making podcasts. We had to find a topic that related to the school that we were passionate about and then start planning. First we would think of various people to interview and then we would write some questions. At this stage some of the group members were being a bit annoying because they couldn't work together and still be sensible. When we had a set time with the interviewees we wrote out some questions to ask them and sent them a copy of the questions so they had time to think of some answers. When we had interviewed them I picked out a track for our intro and outro(Swagger Stagger by Lucas Pittman). I started editing and finished in about one and a half weeks. The most tedious part was probably editing out the ums and ahs. Some parts we had to rerecord because they didn't sound right. I used a software called reaper. I would highly recommend it and even though I had no experience with audio editing I still managed to do a good job. I had some trouble with exporting but it all was resolved in the end.

Some things I would change was my group members. I worked well with my partner but the other two members didn't work very well together.

I contributed very well I think because I did most of the question asking in my interview and did all the editing.

It took a bit but communication did improve towards the end of the project.

I enjoyed this project because it gave me a lot of creative freedom.

Attached is the audio file so you can listen to the finished product.

For context Manukura GPS is a boys leadership program run by Sam Ward. He wants to change the way students have to learn.

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