Wednesday 25 October 2023

Giorgio and Bill's Leadership world cup.

 Giorgio and I put 32 of the most important leadership qualities into a world cup style bracket. 

An inspiring leader

 This is the work I did on my inspiring leader Steven Gerrard.

Wednesday 11 October 2023

Ko Wai Au Presentation

This is a presentation I made detailing me and most things you need to know about me. It covers this like My family history, Pepeha, A bit of my life story, My abilities skills and qualities and the primary challenge I have had to overcome. It was designed as a slide of prompts so I apologize that there is not much detail around each point.

What is Leadership?

 I believe that leadership is the ability to admit when you are wrong. If you are able to do this then people will respect you for it. This obviously isn't the only leadership quality and a few other include being good communicator, having integrity and having a high level of resilience.

If you want to be a good leader you need to be able to communicate well, if you are too scared to speak up to the older and bigger people then you will never get anything back from them. Not being a good communicator means they will see you as a smaller person and they will never respect you.

Having integrity is a very important quality in being a good person and also being a good leader. If you are a good leader only when people are watching then you don't have integrity and shouldn't be in a leadership position.

Being resilient is very important too. If things get too hard and you can't do them then you need to keep trying. Being a leader is never easy and that means you have to be resilient otherwise people will see you as weak and will try to find ways to get a new person to take over whatever you were in charge of.